Our Terms & Conditions are intended to provide information for all users of our service, clearly outlining our childcare service, use of our website and our bookings for both clubs and holiday camps. They are written following current best practice and the statutory and legal requirements for wraparound childcare and Early Years providers.
Booking Terms & Conditions
Policies & Procedures
Our policies and procedures are intended to provide information for all our staff, parents and stakeholders and to ensure that our clubs run in a safe and caring environment. They are written following current best practice and the statutory and legal requirements for wraparound childcare and Early Years providers.
Each new staff member is made aware of our policies and procedures when they join Pioneer Childcare, and they form part of our training and induction process. Managers are expected to ensure that new staff are given the time to read our policies and procedures, and to ensure they understand the need to comply with them.
We will ensure our policies and procedures are reviewed at least once a year, or sooner if there is a requirement to do so (for example, because of new statutory guidance or following an incident that requires a review of our procedures). In each case we will ensure staff are aware of the change in our policies and provide training, where necessary, to ensure they fully understand the new procedures in place.
Please note: A folder containing hard copies of each of our club policies is available at each of our club sites.
Club & Holiday Camp Related Policies